The Organizing Committee of the International Sculpture Biennial of Chaco announces the opening of an international call aimed at countries interested in presenting renowned artists or theatrical casts to be part of the International Music Festival that will take place from July 13th to 21st, during the next edition of the Biennial of Chaco.
The organization will provide a date for the artistic presentation on the main stage of the Biennial. It is a large format stage, equipped with a complete technical setup - lights, sound, and screens - with a team of specialized operators and hospitality for the artists. It is located outdoors in the heart of the Biennial venue, a suitable space to accommodate large audiences. All production costs are covered by the Organizing Committee of the Biennial, while transportation, accommodation, meals, and fees for participating artists will be the responsibility of the sponsoring countries.
Brief overview: The Biennial of Chaco is a plural manifestation of contemporary art that brings together artists and the community in the same open and natural space. The international sculpture competition is the central event, and parallel to it, multiple artistic expressions and cultural activities will take place.
The last edition recorded over half a million in-person visits during the 10-day event and reached over 7 million people on digital social media. It has also gained high exposure in the main national and international media.
With 36 years of history, this Biennial is considered one of the largest public art experiences in Argentina and Latin America. It has inserted the province of Chaco into the international art circuits and has become a recognized international event in the sculptural world.
The Biennial of Chaco has been distinguished with the Argentina Country Brand license, declared of cultural interest by the Organization of American States and the three branches of the National State. It has also been recognized for its high artistic and cultural interest with the sponsorship of the National Academy of Fine Arts and the National Fund for the Arts, as well as by the Argentine Association of Art Critics with the Alfredo Roland Award for cultural trajectory, and by the Konex Foundation with the Konex Award for Visual Arts. Since 1997, it has the sponsorship of UNESCO. The organization processes of the Biennial of Chaco are certified with the international quality standard IRAM ISO 9001:2015.
In addition, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Territorial Development, Chaco Bureau, and the Faculty of Arts, Design, and Cultural Sciences (FADYCC) of the National University of Northeast (UNNE), the Biennial of Chaco measures the carbon footprint generated by the event, with the commitment and objective of reducing the environmental impact and generating mitigation and compensation actions.
Biennial 2024 Presentation:
Interested parties should contact the Performing Arts Department of the Biennial: Robert Sabbadini | | +54 9 362 456-2914 |. Applications will be accepted until May 15th, 2024.