
Invitation letter and/or Sponsorship Registration

Invitation Letter for the Entry of Foreigners into Argentina

In accordance with migration regulations in force, all individuals and entities domiciled
in the Argentine Republic who invite foreigners to the country must draft a Letter of
Invitation to be submitted to the Argentine consular authorities abroad.

The purpose of this letter is to commence the visa application procedure. A letter of
invitation does not guarantee the granting of a visa.

- The Letter of Invitation is of a formal nature and must be drafted in Spanish. The
original Letter must be sent by mail or door-to-door courier to the relevant Argentine
Embassy or Consulate abroad.

- The Letter of Invitation must contain at least the following data:

  1. It must be addressed to the relevant consular authority (i.e., to the Consul General of Argentina in Atlanta)
  2. All personal and contact data of the entity or individual residing in Argentina: full name, National ID Number (DNI)/taxpayer ID number, address, telephone number, email address, etc.
  3. Personal data of the foreign invitee: full name, nationality, date of birth, passport number and type, telephone number, e-mail and any other contact data in their place of residence.
  4. Reasons for travelling, relationship with the invitee, duration of stay in Argentina, accommodation address, information on who will pay for expenses, estimated dates of arrival and departure, etc.
  5. Statement that the person signing the letter will be responsible for the departure of the foreigner from Argentine territory at the end of the authorized period of stay.
  6. Signature and name of host.
  7. Signature certification by a Notary Public, accompanied by the certification from the Association of Notaries Public of Argentina (Colegio de Escribanos)
  8. Add the following paragraph “Como invitante de extranjeros, he leído y comprendo los términos establecidos en el Capítulo VI de la Ley 25.871, artículos 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 y 121.


- The Registration Number of the host at the National Registry of Foreign
Applicants (RENURE) must also be included in the letter. It is recommended that a copy of the registration number with RENURE be attached to the invitation.

If there is a list of invitees, it must include the following information: full name, date of birth, nationality, travel document type and number, and contact data (telephone number and e-mail). The list should be included in the letter of invitation (NOT attached to it), unless it is too long. In such case, both the letter of invitation and the attached list must bear the signature of the host, which must be certified by a Notary Public and the relevant Association of Notaries Public as appropriate.



Updated date: 26/02/2024