
Apostille and certifications having international electronic or digital validity

As part of the State Modernization Plan, the Electronic Document Management
system (GDE) will be implemented as from 15 April 2019 as the only means for
generating internationally valid Apostilles and Certifications issued by the Argentine

Argentine Civil Law Notaries Associations are part of the project, within the
framework of the Agreement entered into between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and Worship and the Federal Council of Argentine Notaries authorizing notaries to
issue Apostilles, Internationally Valid Certifications and Signature Certifications.
The new format of the Apostilles and internationally valid Certifications generated
through the Electronic Document Management system will continue to have the
same national and international legality requirements and will apply to both public
documents bearing digital or electronic signatures and documents with holographic
signatures. The only diference between one and the other is that e-documents will
be required to be embedded in the Apostille/internationally valid certification form,
whereas paper-based documents having holographic signatures will not be

Implementation of the e-Apostille (or (e-APP) and the electronic internationally valid
certification has been built around two pillars:

1. The implementation of an automated system for issuance of Apostilles and
internationally valid certifications that allows for issuance of electronic
Apostilles/certifications and digital Apostilles/certifications attached to the
paper-based document.

2. The creation of a central e-Register of all Apostilles/certifications issued in the
Argentine Republic Features:

  • Digitally signed PDF document with a perpetual backup stored in a single centralized repository that guarantees its integrity, accessibility and availability.
  • Uniform format for Apostilles and certifications issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship and Argentine Civil Law Notaries Associations.
  • •Online verification through the website www.argentina.gob.ar/legalizacion-internaciona

Type of intervention:

The new tool adapts to the nature and signature of the document issued as follows:

  1. E-Apostille: Apostille issued through the Electronic Document Managementsystem bearing a digital signature, with the public document generated orreproduced in electronic format, digitalized and deemed an original embedded.
  2. Apostille bearing digital signature: Apostille issued through the Electronic Document Management system bearing a digital signature, attached to the paper-based public document with holographic signature. The original document isNOT embedded in this Apostille.
  3. Internationally Valid Certification: Certification issued through the Electronic Document Management system bearing a digital signature, with the public document generated or reproduced in electronic format, digitalized and deemed an original embedded.
  4. Internationally Valid Certification bearing digital signature: Certification issued through the Electronic Document Management system bearing a digital signature, attached to the paper-based public document with holographic signature. The original document is NOT embedded in this Certification.



Updated date: 09/04/2019